Research suggests that our mood is affected by our external environment. Things like color choice, space, and light all contribute to our overall sense of well-being. So it stands to reason that if we make changes to our home, we can improve our overall mood and mental health.


A Bedroom Designed For Sleep

One of the most important factors when it comes to our physical and mental health is sleep. If we don’t get enough sleep, this builds up a deficit and can contribute to serious illnesses. And it’s not just the amount of time we sleep that is important. The quality of our sleep is also a factor.


Turning your bedroom into a sleep zone will certainly help in this area. Starting with the bedding, ensure you have a firm, comfortable mattress that supports your weight and frame. Your choice of pillow is also important. Read reviews from companies like Foam Nights to determine the best pillow for your sleep position. Whether you’re a side sleeper or require support for your neck, there is a solution to suit you.


You may need to experiment with temperature to find the best sleeping environment. Your bedding will also contribute to this.


Most people prefer a dark room and find it easier to sleep if as much light as possible is eradicated. Use black-out blinds or drapes if unwanted light is filtering in from outside.




A Hobby Room

How many times have you talked about having your own craft room, personal library, or just a space to sit and be? We all need personal space from time to time. If you don’t have the space for a chill-out room, try to allocate a small dedicated area. This could be a corner of a room with an armchair and a bookshelf. Or, it could be a foldaway table for you to browse the internet or pursue your hobbies.



Lighting affects people differently. For example, at certain times of the year, some people are prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. If you are one of those people, the lighting in your home will be important. Try to allow as much daylight into the room as possible. Use light drapes that open fully and don’t block the window with blinds. Supplement the natural light with lamps and overhead lighting and if possible, invest in a SAD lamp.


If you’re at the other end of the spectrum and prefer long cozy evenings and the darker days of winter, you can enhance this in your home. Rather than bright overhead lights, opt for subtle lamps with dimmer switches. Use candles to add to the ambiance.





A cluttered home or working environment can also clutter your mind and is not conducive to clear thinking, concentration, and creativity. Keep your home tidy and free from clutter. Get rid of anything that is no longer relevant or has meaning in your life. Tidy everything away. Baskets, jars, boxes and other containers are ideal for housing bits and bobs while presenting a neat outward appearance.


Of course, if you’re feeling stressed, it’s likely there are several different factors. Simply changing your home is unlikely to cure this entirely. However, it can help you to manage the symptoms and provide you with a space to feel calm and relaxed.


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